Thursday, April 22, 2010

In Kaleidoscope

the sweet-faced, kickass boys from In Kaleidoscope will be playing Club Lambi on Saturday May 8th ($10). alongside Skepsis and Four Feet and Fur, they'll keep the good times a-rollin'! if you live in the Montreal region, come enjoy the fun!

can't wait, lads; i'll get my dancing shoes and see you there =)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


love. it's complicated and messy; the beatdowns and buildups and vulnerability. it's about everything Hollywood romances don't portray: the drunk fits and the low-points; the tantrums and i-hate-yous. the mistakes and apologies and forgiveness. if you can handle someone at their worst and stand by them (even through the embarrassment) and still find them beautiful ... that's love.

only ... once you've found that, you think it will never be taken away because you're comfortable and yourself and this person has been there through everything with you. bullshit. and when they do leave you after another low-point, when you hope they'll be there tomorrow, you're suddenly aware of how alone you are.

so you scream, scream,
SCREAM until your throat is raw and your face is sticky-wet from hours of crying, and you can't eat or sleep or think of anything else but how much you hate-love that person who gave you back your heart in pieces. and you can't remember how those pieces fit together so you tuck it away, broken, and punch, kick, hurt until there's nothing left to do but shut up.

slowly, though, you start to remember the things that kept you occupied before. you remember flirting without guilt, going out with friends and going home alone but happy, you remember writing and painting and reading and music he didn't like and you felt a little ashamed to listen to around him. you remember shows and movies and inside jokes. suddenly, you're yourself again. so you take your heart out and put it back together, BETTER, a new masterpiece, and let yourself live again.

and you see each other at the bar where everyone is a mutual friend and no one had to pick sides because you weren't that couple; you laugh and talk -- not about everything but about enough to show-off how GREAT you're doing. you joke about white-wine and angry letters and buy each other shots for ol' times sake. he sees that you're okay. and you look great and feel amazing and life is brand new.

but you still can't sleep without the television-buzz in the background.


me allover.

Name: hurt!riot
Birthday: scorpio ♥

current events

Movie: Whip It !!!
Music: These Electric Lives
T.V.: movie channel. Torchwood.
Icon: Andy Warhol. Richie Havens.

i get ...

flushed: when cute boys kiss
annoyed: at faux-friendships
panicked: under pressure
high: at kick-thrust shows or neon parties
dramatic: when i don't know what happens next

ssh, don't tell ...

i'm a: closet Japan-addict
i like: Mary-Kate Olsen + Lindsay Lohan
i can: eat a tub of Hรคagen-Dazs Green Tea & Honey Vanilla ice cream
i have: been a monster and an angel and everything in between

who doesn't love

green tea
alternative lifestyle.
inside jokes.
dirty thoughts
(out loud).


slip into something a little more comfortable

these are some of not many more social figures who i admire:

fucken right.

